Whatever you may have learned about love is probably wrong.
This goes for women too, the fastest way to a man’s heart isn’t through his stomach.
The fastest way to a man’s heart, is the same for women.
It’s through the pants…
Nothing drives a woman to obsess over you like really good sex…Yep that simple…
I once dated a guy for MONTHS, and we had a whopping total of zero things in common.
We met from an online dating site, our back and forth conversation wasn’t that interesting, our first date was pretty boring, but I was able to turn on my charm towards the end of the night and got him to come over.
But what started off as a boring mediocre night ended with fireworks…
We went at it for HOURS…
I don’t think I’ve ever sweat so much in my entire life.
And even though we didn’t have much to talk about…he texted me the next day for another date.
A few days later he texted me again, and this time just went straight to his apartment…
We both knew we didn’t have much in common.
He even told me I can see other guys…and I did…but none of them could stack up in the sac, and I just ended up coming back to him.
This is the power of an orgasm.
You can have absolutely zero in common.
You could be a stuck up control freak lawyer, or a fat hairy video game addict, but if you can satisfy her in bed, then she’ll always come back…
It sounds ridiculous, but good sex for women is THAT rare…